Our companies past experiences in new Multi-Family construction has opened doors into the field of Multi-Family Renovations. We have the ability to upgrade an existing Multi- Family Development into fresh new units with a new look. This allows owners the opportunity to re-market units as “upgraded” with a new look and higher rental price. Each of these upgraded complexes will have the ability to stay up with the local areas rental prices and look. Therefore, they will be comparable to Multi-Family Developments that have been more recently built.
In order to complete this in a turn-key fashion, J.E.S., Inc. offers professional estimating services with 3D scans and links. This offers a precise and quality scope of work which helps reduce the amount of change orders associated with large scale renovations. With addition to the above estimating, we have full time project managers and labor crews that are fully capable of meeting the most stringent of deadlines.
The long term relationships J.E.S., Inc. has with material suppliers allows us the ability to offer a near factory direct pricing on items such as: drywall, cabinets, countertops, etc. Let us help you bring your properties up to date and obtain higher rental pricing on your Multi-Family Development today.